4500 Education Park Drive
Schnecksville, PA 18078
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Academic Center
Adult Workforce Education
Attendance Office
Business Office
Career Academy Program
Human Resources
Health Office
Public Relations
Curriculum Office
Main Office
Student Services
Executive Director: Lisa Greenawalt
610-799-1322 | greenawaltl@mylcti.org
Director of Career & Technical Education: Darin Van Norman
610-799-1347 | vannormand@mylcti.org
Director of Curriculum & Instruction: Kelly Cahoon
610-799-1484 | cahoonk@mylcti.org
Director of Student Services: Sean Will
610-799-1358 | wills@mylcti.org
Interim Director of Postsecondary & Workforce Education: Dipal Kapadia
610-799-1334 | kapadiad@mylcti.org
Director of Information & Educational Technology: Dipal Kapadia
610-799-1334 | kapadiad@mylcti.org
Business Administrator: Holly Keller
610-799-1335 | kellerh@mylcti.org
Human Resource Manager: Stacey Day
610-799-1385 | days@mylcti.org
Facilities Engineer: Travis Serfass
610-799-1320 | serfasst@mylcti.org
Supervisor of Specialized Instruction & Analytics: Sandra Joseph
610-799-1340 | josephs@mylcti.org
Supervisor of Career & Technical Education/Special Projects Coordinator: Regina Naradko
610-799-1360 | naradkor@mylcti.org
Supervisor of Career & Technical Education: Brian Faust
610-799-1388 | faustb@mylcti.org
Supervisor of Career & Technical Education & Academic Center Assistant Principal: Jamie Carr
610-799-1364 | carrj@mylcti.org
Supervisor of Career & Technical Education: Matthew Zampetti
610-799-1352 | zampettim@mylcti.org
Advertising Design/Commercial Art: William Childs, childsw@mylcti.org
Advertising Design/Commercial Art: Nicole DeVincenzo, devincenzon@mylcti.org
Animal Sciences: Regina Mento, mentor@mylcti.org
Auto Body/Collision Repair Technology: Riley Mahl, mahlr@mylcti.org
Auto Technology: Kevin Ferenchak, ferenchakk@mylcti.org
Auto Technology: Jeff McGouldrick, mcgouldrickj@mylcti.org
Auto Technology: Matt Ryan, ryanm@mylcti.org
Automated Industrial Technology: Lisa Heineman, heinemanl@lcti.org
Automated Industrial Technology: Gregory Merchlinsky, merchlinskyg@mylcti.org
Building Trades Maintenance: Steven Ring, rings@mylcti.org
Carpentry: James Geist, geistj@mylcti.org
Carpentry: Thomas Shirkness, shirknesst@mylcti.org
Commercial Baking: Janice Lucas, lucasj@mylcti.org
Computer & Networking Technology: Rob Williams, williamsr@mylcti.org
Computer Information Technology: Diane Rarick, rarickd@mylcti.org
Cosmetology: Tamara Faust, faustt@mylcti.org
Cosmetology: Robert Salim, salimr@mylcti.org
Criminal Justice: Aaron Korty, kortya@mylcti.org
Criminal Justice: Van Scott, scottv@mylcti.org
Culinary Arts: Brock Cahoon, cahoonb@mylcti.org
Culinary Arts: Brittany Donati, donatib@mylcti.org
Culinary Arts (Long-Term Substitute): Rebecca Rebecca Rozycki, rozyckir@mylcti.org
Dental Technology: Ewa Galus, galuse@mylcti.org
Diesel Medium & Heavy Truck Technology: Justin Conway, conwayj@mylcti.org
Electrical Technology: Michael Monkiewicz, monkiewiczm@mylcti.org
Electronics Technology: Thomas Lesisko, lesiskot@mylcti.org
Emerging Digital Media: James Scott, scottj@mylcti.org
Emerging Digital Media: David Aretz, aretzd@mylcti.org
Emerging Health Professionals: Kristin Applegate, applegatek@mylcti.org
Emerging Health Professionals: Veronica DeBlois, debloisv@mylcti.org
Emerging Health Professionals: Michaelina Greenawalt, greenawaltm@mylcti.org
Engineering Drafting & Design: Mark Heusser, heusserm@mylcti.org
Health & Medical Sciences: Michaelina Greenawalt, greenawaltm@mylcti.org
Health & Medical Sciences: Jonell Kiechel, kiechelj@mylcti.org
Health & Medical Sciences: Heather Mariotti, mariottih@mylcti.org
Heating/Air Conditioning & Refrigeration: Kevin Keeler, keelerk@mylcti.org
Heavy Equipment Operations & Preventive Maintenance: James Wabals, wabalsj@mylcti.org
Marketing & Entrepreneurship: Cyndee Barkley, barkleyc@mylcti.org
Masonry: Garrett Tweed, tweedg@mylcti.org
Painting & Design: Keith Lyons, lyonsk@mylcti.org
Plumbing & Heating: Brian Wirth, wirthb@mylcti.org
Pre-Engineering & Engineering Technology: Elijah Kramer, kramere@mylcti.org
Precision Machine Tool Technology: Aaron Schock, schocka@mylcti.org
Small Engines/Recreational Vehicle Repair: dayb@mylcti.org, dayb@mylcti.org
Supply Chain Management & Logistics Technology: Vicki Lynch, lynchv@mylcti.org
Teacher Education: Charlene Rarick-Knauss, rarick-knaussc@mylcti.org
Teacher Education: Nikki Dinofrio, stanleyn@mylcti.org
Web Design/Web Programming: Joseph Peregrin, peregrinj@mylcti.org
Welding Technology: Bradley Brandmeir, brandmeirb@mylcti.org
Welding Technology:
Career & Technical Education
CAP Applied Horticulture: Dona Reed, reedd1@mylcti.org
CAP Office Systems Technology: Ann Blacker, blackera@mylcti.org
CAP Supply Chain Management & Logistics Technology: Randy Eck, eckr@mylcti.org
CAP English: Marc Bonanni, bonannim@mylcti.org
CAP Math: Jade Wilhelm, wilhelmj@mylcti.org
CAP Science:
CAP Social Studies:
CAP Wellness/Fitness: Travis Hontz, hontzt@mylcti.org
SOC Auto Specialization Technology: John Sears, searsj@mylcti.org
SOC BRIDGE: Jeff Doll, dollj1@mylcti.org
SOC Building Trades Maintenance: John Wynn, wynnj@mylcti.org
SOC Food Services: Alician Levan, levana@mylcti.org
SOC Indoor/Outdoor Maintenance: Donna Lobach, lobachd@mylcti.org
SOC Supply Chain Management & Logistics Technology: John Shaner, shanerj@mylcti.org
School to Career Coordinator: Stephanie Barto, bartos@mylcti.org
Diversified Career Occupations: Joseph Baylog, baylogj@mylcti.org
Diversified Career Occupations: Stephen Ferguson, fergusons@mylcti.org
Kathy Khanuja, khanujak1@mylcti.org
Donna Miller, millerd@mylcti.org
Douglas Troxell, troxelld1@mylcti.org
Vince Dabrowski, dabrowskiv@mylcti.org
Darren Moore, moored@mylcti.org
Stacy Sommer, sommers@mylcti.org
Physical Education
Kelly Bracetty, bracettyk@mylcti.org
Donald Brensinger, brensingerd@mylcti.org
Adam Legath, legatha@mylcti.org
Marina Busuek, busuekm@mylcti.org
Laura Kinane, kinanel@lcti.org
Kathleen Siekonic, siekonick@mylcti.org
Social Studies
James Dawson Jr., dawsonj@mylcti.org
Taylor Lindsey, lindseyt@mylcti.org
John Loeper, loeperj@mylcti.org
Sean Thomson, thomsons@mylcti.org
LCTI is located directly off Route 309 and is easily accessible from Interstate 78, Route 22, and Interstate 476.
Schnecksville, PA