Phone: 610-799-1325
Fax: 610-799-1808
The Health Office is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM whenever school is in session. If you need to reach the nurse and get her voice mail, please call 610-799-2300 and ask to be connected directly to her.
Every student must return 2 completed medical cards within the first week of school: 1 card to the Health Office and 1 card to the lab teacher. Failure to return the completed medical card will result in the student NOT participating in lab work, work on computers, field trips, internships, or any other school-to-career opportunities. Failure to return the medical card may result in disciplinary action.
If your child has a fever of 100° F or higher or is vomiting or has diarrhea, it is advised that the student stay home. Please notify the LCTI Attendance Office at 610-799-1341.
Learn More About Health Office
Students may come to the Health Room for the following reasons: injury occurring in the lab, illness that prohibits the continuance of work in class and accidents that occur on the bus or in the halls. The student must notify the teacher of the injury or illness and get a pass except in an emergency. If the student is too ill to continue working in lab, you will be called to pick him/her up here. If the student’s injury or illness requires medical attention, you will be called to pick up the student and take him/her to a physician. In an emergency, an ambulance will be called and you will be notified so that you can meet the ambulance at the hospital.
Medication: Students who must take medication ordered by a physician during school hours must return a completed “Request for Administration of Medication” form signed by the parent/guardian and physician. All prescription medication must be brought to LCTI in a labeled prescription bottle by the parent/guardian. Students may not carry prescription medication, doing so may result in disciplinary action. Students are responsible to come to the Health Room at the scheduled time for their medication.
Location: The Health Room is across the hall from the Main Office. If you are coming to pick up a student, please park in lot #3 and come to the double doors marked “Main Office.” If the doors are locked, please press the intercom button. You will be asked for your name and the name of the student you are picking up. The Health Room is the second office on your right.
Pregnancy: Any student who is pregnant must come to the Health Room to review her emergency contact information. She must also bring in her physician’s name, phone number and due date in writing from the physician’s office. If the student has any medical problems during her pregnancy, she should come to the Health Room and her physician will be called. Arrangements for transportation from LCTI should be made in advance in case her physician requests that she go to the office or hospital by car. In an emergency, an ambulance will be called and you will be notified so that you can meet the ambulance at the hospital.